Order ABB Debit Cards Online with SİMA KYC

AzInTelecom LLC, part of the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport, has initiated a
new collaboration with the International Bank of Azerbaijan (IB).
Now, with the SİMA KYC digital product developed by AzInTelecom, customers can order
debit cards online without visiting any bank branch. By visiting the bank's official website
(www.abb-bank.az), you can apply for any debit card and verify your identity digitally using
During the verification process, a camera will be activated on the web page to confirm the
customer's identity. The customer must position their face within the frame on the screen and
take a photo. Once this process is completed, the card order will be successfully processed,
allowing customers to obtain ABB cards with extensive functionality without leaving their
homes. This entire process is completed in just a few minutes.
It's important to note that SİMA KYC serves as a digital bridge between institutions and users,
enabling institutions to receive relevant customer information in real-time. This solution can be
applied in all processes requiring identity verification. For more detailed information about
SİMA KYC, visit www.sima.az or contact the call center at 157.
Просмотров: 13
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